Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lung Cancer Warning Signs Early Detection of Lung Cancer Can Save Your Life

Early detection of warning signs of lung cancer - or other types of diseases - is to help find a cure for the disease to find vital. In fact, been able to learn about this disease, the better the odds.


Warning signs of lung cancer are shown in the recognition of the disease. Thus, a working knowledge of other conditions associated with the disease would be helpful.

Below is a list of the warning signs of lung cancer in a watchful eye on:

• persistent cough
• The presence of coughing up blood or mucus
• Loss of appetite due to weight loss
• Shortness of breath
• respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis or other diseases associated with
• Constant pain in the chest, back or neck
• The fever

It should be noted, any changes in your body, but since most of the symptoms are not obvious to achieve them. Leading
Once you have determined these symptoms are important steps and additional information you should know.

The spread of lung cancer

Lung cancer is caused by the presence of cancer cells. These abnormal cells continue to divide, by themselves, without complying with certain sequence or pattern. Because of this nature, destroy cells that have the potential. The surrounding tissue of the body,
In fact, it can also be a malignant tumor blood and lymph circulation harm your system can penetrate into the development. The process of metastasis is responsible for the spread of cancer cells, so that the initial volume can result. The development of new tumors in various parts of the body

As for determining the speed with which these cancer cells is largely dependent on the cell type. But the average tumor growth can occur within a few months.
When to see a doctor

If you have one of the above symptoms, it is best to tell your doctor immediately.
This allows them to determine whether to assess your situation. Diagnosis In addition, the earlier you act on any signs of lung cancer warning signs or have more opportunities to prevent it does not deteriorate.

Direct consultation with a physician is suggested based on the symptoms of other diseases should be investigated further.
Below is a list of what is considered an advanced symptoms of lung cancer. Should work with their physician to avoid reaching this stage with:

• To explain the fatigue
• Loss of appetite
• Pain in the joints, bones, or persistent headache
• fractures that are not caused by trauma
• swelling of the face or throat
• Abnormalities in your neurologic disorders

The test for lung cancer

Once you've seen the doctor, the following tests to diagnose:

1) Chest X-ray: This is usually done for patients with complaints of excessive coughing and wheezing.
2) CT scan: This scan method in areas such as the chest, head, abdomen or pelvis to evaluate or estimate the size of the tumor has spread beyond it.
3) Bronchoscopy: In practice, the doctor makes a direct visualization of the airway or sedative drugs administered after anesthesia.
4) PET: This tool is used to estimate the volume, the use of chemical used, which is known as a radionuclide. After the first signs of lung cancer are seen, it is best to pass this test in order to avoid rapid development of tumors.

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