Friday, May 3, 2013

Lung Cancer – The Double Whammy Of Smoking And Asbestos Exposure.

Many workers in construction and other industries have been exposed to asbestos in their work. They dread the thought of mesothelioma cancer caused by asbestos, do yourself a favor by continuing to smoke.

The lungs are the amazing part of the body. There is a gas, we must live in the body and remove fumes generated in the process. But they are quite difficult and some of us have caused serious damage to them. I need this because I was a notorious chain smoker for seven years to prepare. I'm not just one of the old smoke, but there is no doubt that the practice has made a number of lungs.

No cancer is not a health issue, but lung cancer is really what you want to avoid. For millions of workers in recent years, the ability to diagnose lung cancer has increased dramatically, without guilt. What is the problem? Exposure to asbestos. Fibrous form of several minerals often used in everything from the construction of the railway sector and the brakes on most cars. The material was incredibly strong and highly resistant to fire that thing. Material for a miracle, until it is known to cause lung cancer in other health horrors

The word asbestos is particularly reviled these days. The people there know how to avoid it. The problem is that, unfortunately, the disease can take 40 years or more to occur, such as lung cancer, mesothelioma and other problems. But just breathing asbestos fibers, does not mean you have cancer. Recent studies show that 1 in 7 is possible, although the numbers vary widely depending on the amount of exposure you have.

Smoking is bad for your lungs only. Smoking is associated with exposure to asbestos nearly double blow to the lungs. Smoking weakens the lungs and dissolves. It's pretty asbestos fibers in lung tissue and take your place in the chest cavity. Chances are that twice as much, and if you are from lung cancer if you smoke only exposed for the diagnosis of lung cancer.

The good news is that you can leave to make a big difference. They set aside to stop the coffin nails chance with lung cancer had a whopping 50 percent in just five years, even after exposure to asbestos diagnosed. If you have never been exposed to asbestos, reducing the risk by 70 percent! In short, it's worth it if you want a long life.

Their length is important for your health. Not sabotage not smoke after they have been exposed to asbestos. In the end, you only have one pair of lungs. If used, you will too.