Thursday, May 16, 2013

Factors affecting the survival of lung cancer.

Survival rates for lung cancer are a number of factors, including the severity of the disease, because they spread the patient's body based on the existence of a small cell or non-small cell and general health of the patient. External factors such as gender and race may also play a role in the survival rate. The survival rate is to show how many patients survive five years with the disease, but does not show the type of treatment received by the patient, or if the disease or manage in a simple way.

The general health of the patient can survive on their ability five years or more. I am in good health have a high survival rate. In any form or lung cancer, a patient who has a strong healthy to live longer, in general, someone who is in healthy lungs. Having other medical conditions can not be reduced to a survival rate of lung cancer due.

Sex can also be a factor in survival. Women tend to be higher than men in all phases and forms of survival in lung cancer. The overall survival rate after five years is 12 percent female and 16 percent male. The reason for this difference is not yet known. Scientists say that lung cancer is different from that of men, but not quite sure why. Some have argued that genetic differences make women more vulnerable to disease and women that the hormone estrogen may somehow influence the development of cancer.

Another factor in the equation is a race for survival. Black men tend to have less prosecuted five years, all patients with the survival rate of lung cancer in white men. Men of other races such as Asians, Indians and Spaniards, followed by whites. Even in this case, the reasons for this difference in survival is not clear.

Smoking is not only help reduce the risk of lung cancer, but the survival rate for those who are. Those who already have the disease smoked before diagnosis, but they managed to quit smoking after diagnosis was twice as likely for at least five years longer than those who did not complete. This may be related to general health associated with smoking. The patient has lung cancer, the negative effects of smoking may play in the survival of the whole organism.

It does not matter how they got lung cancer patient survival in the game Patients who are able to accept that treatment with higher than those who are too ill to a treatment for the disease achieving survival.

Other factors should be more lung cancer itself. For example, having a patient who was diagnosed with lung cancer, more than someone who has been diagnosed with survival. Those who have recurrent lung cancer after treatment was lower than the five-year survival for a sign.

All these factors and the survival rate is about five years, according to, anyway. Every patient is different. Individual factors are still in play in the assessment of survival in lung cancer. He can do anything survival is a general idea of ​​what to give to a group of people sharing the same ideas.