have developed a new system for delivering drugs to assist breathing
chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of lung cancer, and animal
experiments have determined in laboratories and reduce the systemic
damage to other organs in the development of important improvements in
the treatment of lung tumors.
in nanomedicine combines extremely small size of nanoparticles existing
cancer drugs and small interfering RNA (siRNA), which ended the ability
of cancer cells to resist the attack.
The combination of these forces has resulted in the almost complete absence of lung tumors in animals.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in men and women. Despite advances in surgery, chemotherapy continues to play an important role in therapy. However, this procedure is necessary due to the toxic effect of certain drugs and difficult to combat effectively limited. These resources lung
results obtained by Oleg Taratula Oregon State University and Tamara
Minko and O. Garbuzenko at Rutgers University and the National Cancer
Institute of New Jersey did. They just published in the Journal of Controlled Release.
to the lungs is usually not localized, that chemotherapy is an
important part of treatment," Taratula, assistant professor in the OSU
College of Pharmacy and co-author of the study, said. "Nevertheless, the preparations are toxic and can cause damage to organs and serious side effects, as usual. Intravenous
drug delivery system that can be inhaled, is an effective approach to
targeting only the cancer cells as possible," he said. "Other chemotherapeutic approaches not only to suppress tumors, but in this system appears to be destroyed."Proprietary
technologies and further tests are required before it is ready for
clinical trials in humans, the researchers needed.The
new system is nanostructured lipid carrier nano "small particles much
smaller than a speck of dust, which is simple and easy to attach to
cancerous cells inhalation. It provides support for the treatment of
cancer. Possible, siRNA, which makes cancer cells more vulnerable.
Cancer cells often have two types of resistance -. "Pump"
resistance tends to pump water from the cells to the drug and «nonpump"
resistance which helps to keep the cell death contributes siRNA in this
system, and the two forms of resistance and brittleness can eliminate
cancer cells drug that is used to kill them.Inhalation is also prevents degradation of the chemotherapeutic agents when administered because researchers. These come in intact form, ready to do its work in lung cancer cells and minimizes side effects.
conventional chemotherapy of lung cancer, the drug in the liver, kidney
and spleen are usually collected with much less drug so that it is
always easy. In
this study, the amount of drug delivered into the lungs of 83 percent
and 23 percent of the inhalation approach is introduced.