Asbestos is necessary to understand before trying to understand mesothelioma lung cancer.Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber, commonly the construction and production process Industries is harmful to human health. Continuous inhalation of its fibers enhances The susceptibility to respiratory diseases and can lead to many dangerous diseases. Leader Example of this dangerous disease is Mesothelioma lung cancer. In fact, mesothelioma lungCancer is a misnomer because mesothelioma cancers affect the lining of the lungs (pleura) and Stomach and lungs. Since especially mesothelioma tumors in the lining of the lungs,E 'commonly known as lung mesothelioma. Workers who had worked in the field such as shipbuilding, asbestos mining, asbestos and production are vulnerable to mesothelioma Tumors.
Mesothelioma and the role of carcinogens:
What is mesothelioma cancer and how the coating becomes cancerous lung?
Cancer is a malignant tumor that is found in nature.Tumor formed when aberrant cell division and proliferation of cancer cells inCells. Exposure to carcinogens or materials such as snuff smoke, asbestos and carcinogenicQuartz powder has a role in the abnormal cell division and tumor formation.Mesothelioma The cancer is directly related to asbestos related. But those already exposed to asbestosare more likely to develop lung cancer when exposed to other carcinogenssuch as cigarette smoke. Report a studio with a history of asbestos workersand cigarette smoke are more susceptible to lung cancer than non-smokers and those who have no historyAsbestos exposure.
Complications associated with mesothelioma cancer:
Usually, the latencyStage of asbestos-related diseases in general and mesothelioma cancers of the lining of the lungsin particular, 20-50 years, which makes detection of a complicated mesothelioma. East The situation is further exacerbated if workers particularly addicted to snuff Smoke. As the disease has symptoms, a considerable exposure to other Carcinogens associated with smoking has already taken place. This makes more workersvulnerable to lung cancer, as well as the vulnerability of mesothelioma tumors.
Mesothelioma Cancer and remedies:
The Government is aware of the harmful effects of asbestosand the severity of the cancer mesothelioma. Employees who work in large factories Asbestos mesothelioma compensation if the exposure is Cause mesothelioma. He was looking for a flood of compensation claims Mesothelioma and lung cancer. In many cases, the courts have given large sums Damage claims against asbestos manufacturing companies.