Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lung Cancer: Prognosis, Treatment, Signs of Carcinoma


The most deadly form of cancer in men and women, lung cancer kills about 60 percent of those diagnosed during the year. And while smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer is sometimes those who have not touched a cigarette. Shops

The claim about 157,000 lives each year - more than breast, prostate, ovarian, combined, colon and lymphatic cancer - lung cancer can also be the result of exposure to tobacco smoke or radon, which his family history, or excessive alcohol consumption According to the Mayo Clinic.


Depending on how the cells appear when examined under a microscope incidence of lung cancer in two main categories:

Small cell, about 20 percent of all cases and covers almost exclusively in smokers and
Small cell lung cancer, which includes many of these different subtypes: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large.

Where are the two main types are called mixed small cell / large cell lung cancer, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

In addition, a very deadly form of cancer known mesothelioma usually occurs in the tissue that surrounds the lungs. Mesothelioma affects mainly those that contain asbestos, a mineral used in insulation, brake, flooring and many other products are, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Signs and symptoms

Early detection of lung cancer is usually asymptomatic, one of the reasons often at step before developing incurable detected. The symptoms of lung disease is similar to many others, making it difficult to distinguish the cause. According to the Cleveland Clinic, these symptoms include:

-Persistent, persistent cough
-Coughing up blood
   -Wheezing and shortness of breath
-Unexplained weight loss
   -Tiredness or weakness

Diagnosis and Testing

With a stethoscope, doctors sometimes heard around the lungs, lung cancer can provide moisture. However, a definitive diagnosis is usually a combination of different tests, according to the American Cancer Society. They are:

Imaging techniques such as X-rays, positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary glands.
Analysis of saliva, which causes a cough expectorant examined for abnormal cells.
Biopsy, cells are derived, consider the method of tissue sample.
-Bronchoscopy: loop or tubes in the lungs, it can be seen from the tool, called a bronchoscope that doctors can look unusual areas, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Suspect cells can be removed for biopsy.
-Mediastinoscopy Cc: lighted tube is inserted through the sternum to see the center of the chest cavity through a small incision.

Lung cancer is confirmed, the doctor will decide if the malignancy has spread beyond the lungs is the use of full-body scan images. Common sites of metastases in lungs, liver, bone marrow, and in accordance with the Mayo Clinic.

Treatments and drugs

Lung cancer is treated depends largely on the type and size of cells present, and were distributed. The most commonly used combinations of treatments. Common treatments include:

-Operation: If the cancer is confined to the lung can provide surgical treatment. This is usually done with less severe cases, or removing a small portion of lung tissue from or lung. Lymph nodes are removed in order to determine whether the spread of the disease. Around the region
-Chemotherapy: a systems approach to chemotherapy is commonly used in the most advanced cases of toxic drugs to kill in many parts of the body from cancer. These preparations can be used in any form of injections or pellets containing cisplatin (also known under the trade name Platinol) and paclitaxel (Taxol).
-Radiation: This form of therapy is the use of intense beams of energy to destroy cancer cells. Outer target or lung cancer to be placed into the tumor through the needle or catheter tube seeds inside.
-Targeted therapy: One of the latest cancer treatments, this treatment uses certain medications, certain anomalies in the target cells of lung cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. Drugs used include bevacizumab (Avastin, also known as a trademark), blocks that stopped new blood supply and erlotinib (Tarceva), which they say is chemically blocked, the cancer cells to multiply.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Asbestos exposure-What are the 4 diseases that are commonly associated with asbestos exposure.

The effects of inhalation of asbestos fibers. If the stones,Disturbed soil or products containing asbestos may release Asbestos fibers in air. These fibers may be directed to light and can last for a long service life.



This disease is characterized by lung fibrosis. This is often occurs as a result of exposure to high concentrations of asbestos for a long While the work associated with exposure to asbestos. Smoking increases the risk of developing asbestosis. First, there is Symptoms, but the latter is a set of symptoms shown difficulties Breath, chronic cough, and chest pain.

Pleura or pleural changes

This disease is characterized by thickening and hardening of the pleura (The pleura is the lining that covers the lungs and chest cavity). More Time,the diseaseisasymptomatic  people have no symptoms,but sometimes affected victims may have reduced lung function.This can lead to shortness of breath
Tired or alone sometimes, when the degree of pulmonary dysfunction seriously.


Lung Cancer

What is cancer of the lung and lung passages. Smoking
 in combination with asbestos exposure increases the likelihood of Lung cancer. Lung cancer caused by smoking or asbestos looks the same.
Symptoms of lung cancer may vary. Some of the later stages of the symptoms may chronic cough, chest pain, unexplained weight loss, coughing, and Blood.


This is a rare form of cancer usually associated with exposure to asbestos.
relates to lung mucosa and sometimes coating
Stomach. Sometimes affects the lining of the heart and Investment testicle. Symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, persistent Breathing and unexplained weight loss, abdominal bloating, and abdominal pain
Abdominal pain associated with mesothelioma. Other less common symptoms

hemoptysis hemoptysis , and excessive sweating.

This asbestos-related diseases can be serious, although not all gets exposed to asbestos on health. These range of diseases that is soft and manageable, which is very dangerous and Very difficult to process that ultimately leads to death.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The study offers a promising new approach for the treatment of lung cancer.


Researchers have developed a new system for delivering drugs to assist breathing chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of lung cancer, and animal experiments have determined in laboratories and reduce the systemic damage to other organs in the development of important improvements in the treatment of lung tumors.

Progress in nanomedicine combines extremely small size of nanoparticles existing cancer drugs and small interfering RNA (siRNA), which ended the ability of cancer cells to resist the attack.

The combination of these forces has resulted in the almost complete absence of lung tumors in animals.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in men and women. Despite advances in surgery, chemotherapy continues to play an important role in therapy. However, this procedure is necessary due to the toxic effect of certain drugs and difficult to combat effectively limited. These resources lung

The results obtained by Oleg Taratula Oregon State University and Tamara Minko and O. Garbuzenko at Rutgers University and the National Cancer Institute of New Jersey did. They just published in the Journal of Controlled Release.

"Damage to the lungs is usually not localized, that chemotherapy is an important part of treatment," Taratula, assistant professor in the OSU College of Pharmacy and co-author of the study, said. "Nevertheless, the preparations are toxic and can cause damage to organs and serious side effects, as usual. Intravenous

"The drug delivery system that can be inhaled, is an effective approach to targeting only the cancer cells as possible," he said. "Other chemotherapeutic approaches not only to suppress tumors, but in this system appears to be destroyed."Proprietary technologies and further tests are required before it is ready for clinical trials in humans, the researchers needed.The new system is nanostructured lipid carrier nano "small particles much smaller than a speck of dust, which is simple and easy to attach to cancerous cells inhalation. It provides support for the treatment of cancer. Possible, siRNA, which makes cancer cells more vulnerable.

Cancer cells often have two types of resistance -. "Pump" resistance tends to pump water from the cells to the drug and «nonpump" resistance which helps to keep the cell death contributes siRNA in this system, and the two forms of resistance and brittleness can eliminate cancer cells drug that is used to kill them.Inhalation is also prevents degradation of the chemotherapeutic agents when administered because researchers. These come in intact form, ready to do its work in lung cancer cells and minimizes side effects.

In conventional chemotherapy of lung cancer, the drug in the liver, kidney and spleen are usually collected with much less drug so that it is always easy. In this study, the amount of drug delivered into the lungs of 83 percent and 23 percent of the inhalation approach is introduced.

L.I. Representative Faces Treatment for Lung Cancer

Sunday, May 26, 2013

What alternative treatments work for lung cancer?

What alternative treatments work for lung cancer?
May 26,2013 from

Unfortunately, the prognosis for many people who have lung cancer are not very good. Western medicine to extend advances in diagnosis and their lives, but too often fail to achieve what we hope for. For this reason, many aspects of complementary or alternative cancer therapies, such as acupuncture and herbs to fill this gap.

Long before conventional medicine is reached, many of these treatments are not on the path of scientific research that doctors see in the formation of hot treatment plan, so that evidence-based recommendations based on thorough research medicevine

Most of us have anecdotal reports from people who have heard excellent results from some form of complementary therapy had. To see one of the following methods is recommended for lung cancer can be considered "evidence-based medicine?" Whether scientific support

In 2007, the American College of Chest Physicians pulled together a team of more than 100 researchers - from oncologists nutritionists - in the studies published to date. Based on the risk-benefit (assuming that the benefits of therapy outweigh the potential risks), they came up with a list of procedures. Useful in treating the symptoms of lung cancer

Treatment includes:
• Acupuncture
• Hypnosis
• Massage Therapy
• Meditation
• Yoga

Symptoms of these procedures are the most effective:
• Anxiety
• Fatigue
• Shortness of breath
• Pain (can help reduce the amount of analgesics required)
• Nausea

Massage has proved very useful for anxiety and pain, acupuncture proved to be more profitable for the shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue and pain in lung cancer surgery and chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain.
Of course, not all potential complementary therapies, the extent necessary for the team are considered "evidence-based medicine." Due to limitations in the treatment of lung cancer in the presence of many choose to use. 

It is important to each of these methods of treatment with an oncologist before attempting a search, the more so for discussion in conjunction with regular medical care. Certain types of treatment, especially in the case of food additives interfere or impair the effectiveness of surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.